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Peer-reviewed publications
Engel, M., Vaske, J.J., Bath, A.J. (2020). Value orientations and beliefs contribute to the formation of a marine conservation personal norm. Journal for Nature Conservation, 55, 125806.
Daly, J. & Chuenpagdee, R. (2020). Facing an uncertain future: A prospective analysis of trade policy on coastal communities in northwest Newfoundland. Marine Policy,
Carruthers, E., Parlee, C., Keenan, R., Foley, P. (2019). Onshore benefits from fishing: Tracking value from the northern shrimp fishery to communities in Newfoundland and Labrador. Marine Policy, 103, 130-137.
Davis, B., Colbourne, B., Molineux, D. (2019). Analysis of fishing vessel capsizing causes and links to operator stability training. Safety Science, 118, 355-363.
Finnis, J., Shewmake, J.W., Neis, B., Telford, D. (2019). Marine Forecasting and Fishing Safety: Improving the Fit between Forecasts and Harvester Needs. Journal of Agromedicine,
Foley, P. (2019). Social-ecological reproduction and the substance of life in commodity frontiers. Capital & Class, 1-18.
Completed theses
Research reports
Shewmake, J., Finnis, J., Neis, B., Brown, R., Colbourne, B.,Moro, L., Guernsey, J., Kincl, L. (2018). Taking stock: strengths, weaknesses and opportunities for improving fishing occupational health and safety research and resources in Newfoundland and Labrador. Taking Stock Dialogue background papers. Taking Stock Dialogue, September 17-18, 2018. St. John's, NL, Canada.
Boaler, C., Sabau, G., Chuenpagdee, R., Nayak, P., Bundy, A. (2018). Systemic assessment of responses to vulnerabilities in the Newfoundland and Labrador fisheries before and after the 1992 moratorium. Taking Stock Dialogue background papers. Taking Stock Dialogue, September 17-18, 2018. St. John's, NL, Canada.
Stanley, N., White, R., Chuenpagdee, R., Bundy, A., Daly, J., Foley, P., Stephenson, R. (2018). Alignment of Policies and Principles: An Examination of Governance in Newfoundland and Labrador’s Fisheries. Taking Stock Dialogue background papers. Taking Stock Dialogue, September 17-18, 2018. St. John's, NL, Canada.
Lorenzi, M., Neis, B., Murray, G., Carruthers, E., Fisher, J. (2018). Taking Stock: Fish Harvesters’ Knowledge and Science Research and Practice for Newfoundland and Labrador and their Potential Role in Future Sustainable Fisheries. Taking Stock Dialogue background papers. Taking Stock Dialogue, September 17-18, 2018. St. John's, NL, Canada.
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